Maintenance update of xili-language trilogy !

Last days, the three plugins of xili-language trilogy were updated

  • xili-language : version 2.16.2 (fixes a warning if Categories Widget uses “Dropdown” mode)
  • xili-tidy-tags : version 1.10.1 (sources code rewritting running)
  • xili-dictionary : version 2.10.1 (add features to manage plugin files from folder WP_LANG_DIR – wp-content/languages)

New presentation of stats in WP plugins repository as well described here in article of Brian. Be aware of some issues in “Active Versions”. A new ticket was just open as #912 in tracs ! and close in 24 hours 😉 Sorting is now good!

Thanks to contributors of the week : Emmanuel, Gabriel,…

xtt Active Versions
xtt Active Versions

xili-language 2.15.2 : shipped for WP 4.0

xili-language version 2.15.2 is a technical updating for WordPress 4.0 (remains compatible with previous version) (constant WPLANG is now obsolete).

This site itself was used also as test before and after 4.0 update.
Another tests were done on empty websites and with importing of xml file from other multilingual sites powered by xili-language.
Soon a post with a step by step process to export / import xml datas that need some “attention” !
Thanks for your return !

xili-language v. 2.15.1: flag features improved for theme’s developer

xili-language v. 2.15.0 introduced function add_theme_support ( 'custom_xili_flag') to permit flag features inside Media Library.
By adding a parameter array ($args), xili-language v. 2.15.1 introduces a way to register default flags coming from a sub-folder of the theme’s folder. An easy way to provide adapted flags to the webmaster in conformity with the design and look of the theme. No need to upload these preset images.

Example of code to put inside a function call by an add_action ‘after_setup_theme‘ (priority set to 12)

$listlanguages = array(
'ar_ar','ar_ma', 'ar_xx', 'cn_cn',
'de_de', 'en_us', 'es_es', 'fr_be', 'fr_ca', 'fr_fr',
'it_it', 'ja_ja', 'ja', 'km_kh', 'pt_pt', 'ru_ru', 'zh_cn') ;

$args = array();
foreach ( $listlanguages as $one_language ) {
$args[$one_language] = array(
'path' => '%2$s/images/flags/'.$one_language.'.png',
'height' => 16,
'width' => 11
add_theme_support ( 'custom_xili_flag', $args );

%2$s is used in ‘path’ because the flags are inside the child theme in this example. Here, it is supposed that all the pictures are present.

To deliver examples of loop, twenty fourteen-xili theme is managed inside xili-language plugin itself using available language list and testing if picture exists. And latest version of twenty thirteen-xili, will include another way.

xili-language v. 2.15: the easy way to manage flags for language selection!

This week, xili-language version 2.15 will be shipped with important new features for webmasters and theme developers.

Even if flags in language selection lists have limits (*) xili-language v. 2.15, will support flags, up to now it was necessary to use CSS to replace the name of a language with a flag image.

(*) same languages are spoken in multiple countries!

Some examples have been delivered in the 5 bundled multilingual child themes already like twenty fourteen xili which is in use here  live. A newer version of each child theme will be shipped and incorporate the recent new features introduced by xili-language 2.15.

With tools provided by the WordPress Core and those xili-language plugin introduces:

  • there is now an easy way to assign an image added to the media library as a flag,
  • a way to assign this flag to a language,
  • a new interface at the Appearance menu to adjust some parameters,
  • and an automatic process to generate style lines for the webpage header.

Developers will find:

  • a new add_theme_support() named ‘custom_xili_flag’,
  • new filters to set their custom themes,
  • new shortcodea to use flag images uploaded in library by the webmasters.

Some screenshots: Below, taken from the media list, a picture that is assigned as a flag (the second is assigned as header image)

flag example
flag example

The screenshot below shows the main option (flag or language name), a list of available flags uploaded to the media library and some very technical lines reserved for skilled and motivated users. For the five bundled themes, these values are provided as template style:

xili-language flag settings
xili-language flag settings


  • choice of flags are free, no need to define a name or a type…
  • the plugin chooses the good picture uploaded and assigned to a language from the media library.
  • using filters, theme developers can deliver default values and settings.


  • even more lines of code!

xili-dictionary version 2.9 shipped: the path to maturity !

Step by step, xili-dictionary (> 5 years old) reaches maturity. It is possible to manage language files (.po, .pot and .mo) for current theme and plugins.
While using the available items (hook, api, UI items…) in the WP toolbox (and libraries), it is now possible to scan directly the sources of the current theme or a selected plugin. Found translatable items in sources are imported inside the dictionary (with informations and comments given by sources author).

poEdit is a powerful desktop tool for developers. Here, it is possible to work online. On the same screen, it is possible to see the original source text (msgid) and the translations both in multiple languages.
Two ways to see (and select, search or sort) the content of dictionary: a table like WP posts list and a interactive jQuery powered table.

More infos soon…

If you like this plugin, which we are offering for free by the way, we kindly ask you to contribute and make our FAQ and documentation better. Please support us and participate by translating, writing (or improving) blog posts, help and FAQ articles. If you are interested please get in contact with by  using our contact page.


A new plugin to manage attachment and media: xili re/un-attach media

A new plugin  to manage attachment and media files called xili-re-un-attach-media which adds the actions Unattach and Reattach at the Media Library Table list to manage attachments in the File column just after View action.
This plugin is only active in admin (dashboard) side.

Link to [Github by dev.xiligroup].

Here is a zip xili-re-un-attach-media containing the plugin for testing. Please read carefully the readme.txt …

xili-re-un-attach-media is now in WP plugin repository.

xili-language version 2.14 shipped !

Step by step improvements are taking place:

xili-language version 2.14 provides:

  1. a new shortcode being able to display parts of content according to the current language,
  2. three new rules to manage translations of terms in 3rd party plugins that are translation ready (can be found at the 3rd tab – settings for expert),
  3. a better management of the custom post type (CPT) and custom taxonomy (CT) – xili-language is closer getting ready to support a multilingual shop system with woo commerce,
  4. at the Posts Edit list – category names are now additionally displayed with a translation according to the current language of the admin dashboard…

Soon more infos in “How to” part…